Pet owners love to give their pets treats, but treats are often restricted for dogs on special diets. Purina® Pro Plan Veterinary Diets® Gentle Snackers Hydrolyzed + Low Fat Canine Treats offer a hydrolyzed option, as well as a low-fat treat for dogs on a weight loss/maintenance program. Based on Purina® Pro Plan Veterinary Diets® HA Hydrolyzed® Canine Formula, these crunchy treats can be given to dogs with adverse food reactions.
Medical Indications:
Gentle Snackers is recommended for the following:
• Dogs with adverse food reactions
• Dogs with sensitive gastrointestinal tracts
• Dogs on a weight loss program
• Healthy dogs on a maintenance diet
Treat Characteristics:
Gentle Snackers Hydrolyzed + Low FatTM has been formulated with the following characteristics:
• Low molecular weight
• Low fat
• Single hydrolyzed protein source
• Great taste
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